“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”
The world in 2021 continues to be unpredictable, disrupted and even dysfunctional at times. Elections, social unrest, Brexit, viruses, vaccines, mutations, climate change, artificial intelligence, digitalisation…the list goes on. In response to unrelenting adversity, the human brain is conditioned to hunker down and weather the storm. But this survival instinct does not work in the world of business. To survive, you must thrive. You cannot stand still.
Coming out of the last recession, companies who invested in CX grew three times faster than the average. The churn of companies in/out of the Fortune 500 was 90% higher than the previous ten years. And those who were slow to respond ultimately spend 1.85x more than their competition and made bigger, riskier, single bets. Far from buttoning down the hatches, the thrive-focused organisation says, “now is the time to go out and conquer”.
So, what does the thriving organisation look like? And what about the thriving team? Even the thriving leader?